IMAF Sandhills uses Gust to manage our submission process. If this is your first time using Gust, you will need to register. If you have already used Gust to apply to another angel group, then you can login using your existing information.

After you login, you will be taken through a step by step process that will gather basic information about your company. You will also have the opportunity to upload documents that contain your business plan and presentation. If you have all the necessary information available, the process should take about 20 minutes.

Upon submitting a business plan, you will receive a confirmation email from Gust. A one-page PDF file containing all the application information will also be generated. This "Perfect One-Pager" helps the group to quickly assess how to proceed with your company and enables us to compare companies fairly. You will be able to save your application as a PDF file for future use.

We look forward to working with you through this process. If you have any technical questions or concerns regarding the application process please contact

Scheduling Priority will be given to those companies who have attended a "BECOMING AN INVESTOR-READY ENTREPRENEUR" seminar "FROM THE MIND OF THE INVESTOR" series developed by North Carolina's Small Business and Technology Development Center.

Please go to the following website for information on the next program offering and location: